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DAYCARES: 2 - 4 years old
Age as of September 1, 2024. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
TUTUS: 18 months - 2 years old
Age as of September 1, 2024. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
TOTS: 3 - 4 years old
Age as of September 1, 2024. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
TINY: 5 - 6 years old
Age as of September 1, 2024. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
MINI: 7 - 9 years old
Age as of September 1, 2024. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
YOUTH: 10 years old & Up
Age as of September 1, 2023. *Denotes a non-performance class
Matinee is early afternoon recital. Evening is later afternoon recital.
Victoria Main Studio
2505 North Ben Jordan Victoria, Texas 77901
Victoria North Studio
3804 North John Stockbauer Suite D Victoria, Texas 77901
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